曲名:Lily's eyes,選自音樂劇「秘密花園」(The Secret Garden)

:Anthony Warlow & Philip Quast


歌曲的開始,是Archibald和同住的弟弟Neville在暴風雨的夜晚談起Mary這個小女孩,無法忘懷Lily的兩兄弟同時從小女孩眼中看到和Lily一樣的眼神 ,而回憶起Lily生前的種種,害羞的哥哥溫柔深情地表達著思念,而暗戀多時的弟弟癡情卻充滿醋意地在心中唱著......


Anthony Warlow(光頭者)飾演哥哥Archibald,他的戽斗長臉和下垂眼角和「阿部寬」有點像,因為得了淋巴瘤讓他髮量變成這樣,但是無損於他的帥,小心他的眼神,會勾人喔!

Philip Quast(捲髮者)飾演弟弟Neville,他在「悲慘世界」中演活了冷酷,偏執的警探「Javert」,史上第一位得過三座奧立佛獎(英國演員最高榮譽)最佳男主角的演員,這次又唱活了愛又不能說的癡心又不甘心的弟弟,再次看到Javert堅定執著的眼神。

Strangely quiet, but now the storm
Simply rests to strike again.
Standing, waiting, I think of her.
I think of her.

Strange, this Mary, she leaves the room,
Yet remains, She lingers on.
Something stirs me to think of her.
I think of her.

From death she casts her spell,
All night we hear her sighs,
And now a girl has come
Who has her eyes.

She has her eyes.
The girl has Lily's hazel eyes,
Those eyes that saw him happy long ago.
Those eyes that gave him life
And hope he'd never known.
How can he see the girl
And miss those hazel eyes?

She has her eyes.
The girl has Lily's hazel eyes,
Those eyes that closed and left me all alone.
Those eyes I feel will never ever let me go!
How can I see this girl who has her hazel eyes?

In Lily's eyes a castle
This house seemed to be,
And I, the bravest knight, became,
My lady fair was she.

She has her eyes.
She has my Lily's hazel eyes.
Those eyes that loved my brother-never me.
Those eyes that never saw me,
Never knew I longed
To hold her close,
To live at last in Lily's Eyes!

Imagine me, a lover!

I longed for the day
She'd turn and see me standing there.

Would God have let her stay!  Would God have let her stay!
She has her eyes.  She has her eyes.
She has Lily's hazel eyes.  
My Lily's hazel eyes.
Those eyes that saw me .
Those eyes that first I loved so!  
Happy long ago.
How canI now forget  
How can I now forget
That once I dared to be  
That once I dared to be in love.
To be alive and whole  Alive and whole
In Lily's eyes, In Lily's eyes,
In Lily's eyes!  In Lily's eyes!


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